Monday, December 26, 2005

After Christmas peace

Folks, I hope all of you had a joyous Christmas. I did. I've been to a few parties here and there, and last night I visited some friends only to find that they were downing lots of bubbly. A cooler in the kitchen contained about 9 bottles of Veuve Cliquot, and I stayed for a few hours.

This morning, needless to say, there are a few bubbles in my system, however bubbles have limited lifespan, and will get expelled one way or the other.

On a somber note, I thought I should take a moment to pay tribute to the life of Oksana Douglas. Her photo from the Jamaica Observer is shown here. Read the article here.

The shooters apparently were shooting at a group of adults in the same location where she was, by a shop. It did not matter to them about the presence of this beautiful 7 year old child. Or, to pop some legalese, they must have been reckless as to the possibility that innocent bystanders might have been there. She must have been "collateral damage". Rest in Peace Oksana.

I've been downloading some music from Limewire, its pretty good, and downloaded a lot of music in the last couple of days. I will see how my hard drive holds up. Mad Bull may have to rescue me from whatever havoc I have done with the notebook.

On an event which is significant for me, I resigned from employment. My last day will be Friday 13th (Rass) January, 2006. I will let you know what I am doing in the middle of January. I am looking forward to an exciting 2006.

Happy 2006, my bloggionistas.


Abeni said...

Uh oh,poor little girl.These senseless killings make me mad.So Ri,you hanging out your shingle as they say?I had a good Cmas myself

Mad Bull said...

Wow! That was sudden! Well, all the best on your new ventures, seen!

Unknown said...

These damn coke-heads driving around and shooting aimlessly all over the place should be shot themselves, damn bastards!

All the bess in 2006, I think i'll be doing the samething in the next year and a half.

Jdid said...

happy 2006 to you as well. very sad to hear about this little girl getting shot

brooklyn babe said...

Who's the cutie in the pics. She's a doll.