Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Oh for the weekend to hurry and come


How do you guys find so much time for this thing? It is amazing. In between all the work, play, kids, sleep, Christmas, it is increasingly difficult to pass thru and look at your blogs. It is even more difficult to make a post.

I see where Stanley "Tookie" Williams was executed, so all the old death penalty arguments are ablaze on CNN any any where else called the media.

I did not expect the Governator to give clemency - why do that, and screw up his re-election chances.

Sorry folks, I have no jokes, pics or anything, just a quick hello - I just had a couple of games of squash and I am mashed up.

Blog ya later.


Mad Bull said...

I didn't know you played squash! Diga me. Where? Do they have badmington courts? A pool? Maybe thats somewhere new to hang out.

Abeni said...

I generally post on mornings and check the blogs on evenings when I get home from work.Sometimes it hard to get to all in the same day tho.

Rev Island said...

MB, badminton is usually at George Hicks H.S. When you say a pool, you mean where there are lots of thongs profiling and such?