Monday, October 24, 2005

Same as usual.. nuttin much

Hey folks

Wilma's outer tentacles are still whipping up some waves on our shores, serious road crossing waves I mean.. Some damage to homes and business reported - however not widespread damage.

Jamaica's prime minister, P.J. Patterson was here this weekend - big time gala at the Marriott last night, I heard that it was flashy - now some may cringe, but the man is a head of state after all - For some of course, this is an important moment, as they are many who hold this man in very high regard. This visit was to commemorate his receipt of an international award along with Kofi Annan. Well it turns out that PJ decided to use this visit to lash out at the visas, oh well, next time he'll need a visa --

Well my cuz returned from Cuba this past Friday night and left today on Air Jam to Kingston. He is a bit of a high maintenance 27 y.o., but this weekend I was cool with him. A nice woman came and visited him here at my house last night, and after dinner with us they left in her car, and I was out cold so I did not know (nor wanted to) what time he (or they) returned.

You see, his mother is my mother's sister, and his mother is a giant of a woman, college professor, writer, minister of religion, and the list goes on. The lady simply makes me feel at peace when she visits us here in Cayman. So I don't really care how her son carries on, seen? (I mean he ain't carryin on with no bull$hit in my house still - I will invite him to vacate).
What I do for him is really for her as well.

Well, as our leglislators have seen it fit to step up the fight against crime in Cayman, they are now passing a law to ensure that those serving sentences for serious crimes must serve at least 5/9ths of their sentences. 1/3rd was the amount before parole before.

Mad Bull said to me that you see, "I used to roll like that" - he sounded more like a high horse... Well folks, I will do as I see it fit - thanks for the invite though, and give us more bloggage, so that if we are not moved intellectually, at least there will be a rise in temperature! I am sure that my bloggionistas can return occasionally to the kind of mayhem they used to create - so MB - here is an open invitation - for old times sake - lets have another of those blogs of old - hotties - yeah yeah!

Have a good week folks!


Abeni said...

Well only if he post some men as well:)

Marc M said...

Wilma was one wierd girl. First she take set pun the Caribbean. then she get vex and turn into the worst huricane ever and then she soften up and set 100 metres record in her dash across Florida.

Unknown said...

You know PJ have to move like a high roler with our tax money!

Well mi glad seh I don't need the Cayman visa if I have the US one. Can't afford another visa fee, fi something I might not get.

Rev Island said...

My understanding is that a US Visa holder does not need a visa if he is travelling from the US.. but I will check